Welcome to St. Philip Lutheran Church

St. Philip Lutheran Church is a community where all people may come to know Jesus Christ; become faithful followers empowered by the Holy Spirit, and sent with Christ’s love into the world.

In-person worship has resumed at St. Philip, with one Sunday service at 9:00am. We will continue live-streaming this service on Zoom.
Communion will continue with a choice between individual packets or traditional service at the rail, and there will be an offering plate in the sanctuary as well as the opportunity to give electronically.



St. Philip Early Learning Center

As a center, the ELC staff is here to witness to the children and their families, the love of God through Christ, and to give children the opportunity to develop a healthy self-concept and a positive feeling of trust about God and others.


We strive to equip the children in our program with the belief that they are created in the image of God, and that they are valued by God. We emphasize God’s special love of each and every one of us, teaching that God created each of us as a healthy unique and valuable human being. The staff at ELC act as models of acceptable behavior for children. Through daily classroom involvement and our Chapel time, children see important Christian attitudes in their teachers; faith, friendship, courage, thankfulness, sharing, caring, honesty, love, patience, forgiveness and cheerfulness. The staff reflect their faith in God through the words they use, and in how they relate to children. When children learn basic trust in others, their faith is nurtured and strengthened.