Music and Worship Ministry at St Philip
Director: Janet Shibly

Music Ministry
Music is one of the strengths of our congregation. It is valued and appreciated. We have two ensembles that meet regularly, Sanctuary Choir and Ringing Brass Handbells. Blessed with a number of instrumentalists and singers who are occasionally available, we are able to put together small ensembles as called for in worship. These musicians are able to provide a variety of musical styles in our services. Every attempt is made to use all musicians at St Philip.
St. Philip Sanctuary Choir
Director: Janet Shibly
Open to grades 10 – adult (no audition necessary)
Sings weekly in worship, September – May, and all major festivals.
- Rehearses Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30pm in the Sanctuary.
- This ensemble sings music from the 1600s to present day.
- Ensemble size ranges from 10-30 singers.
Ringing Brass Handbells
Director: Janet Shibly
Open to grades 7 – adult (no audition necessary)
Perform several times per year at worship services, September – May.
- Rehearses Tuesdays 7:00–8:00pm in the Sanctuary
- This ensemble performs music from the 1600s to present day.
- Ensemble size ranges from 7-10 players.
The Ringing Brass Handbell Choir has been playing periodically for St. Philip worship services for nearly 20 years. The congregation owns 4 ½ octaves of bells and 3 octaves of choir chimes. Ensemble members range in ability from beginning to experienced players; all are volunteers who want to share this musical expression with others in praise of the Lord.
Singers and Instrumentalists
The St Philip Music Pool includes both singers and instrumentalists that share their musical gifts by providing Special Music whenever the ensembles are not performing in service.