August 2019
Christ the Center
Today’s texts offer instruction and encouragement for all who are occasionally overwhelmed by the “unhappy business” of life. Jesus urges us to take care and be on guard against all kinds of greed. We who have died with Christ in holy baptism have also been raised with him and are encouraged to elevate our thinking, […]
July 2019
Prayer Redefines Who We Are
Persistence in prayer evoked the admiration of Jesus and wins the attention of the Lord when Abraham intercedes for Sodom. The life of the baptized—to be rooted and built up in Christ Jesus the Lord—is to be rooted in prayer. God hears and answers prayer and so strengthens God’s own. “When I called, you answered […]
Success and Failure
Perhaps the church, at its best, is “all ears.” Almighty God urges the faithful, again and again, to “listen up!”—to heed the word from above. So it was with Abraham and Sarah, with Mary and Martha, and the early church at Colossae. So it is today as we join the assembly to hear the word […]
We Love because He First Loved Us
To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind is to reflect God’s mercy in responding to one’s neighbor. That mercy found its most profound expression in the “gospel that has come to you”—namely the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That gospel mercy comes to us again today: […]
Pastor Sarah – Assistant to the Bishop – Sermon on Transition
4th Sunday after Pentecost God is the source of our nourishment. Our Lord’s invitation to “take and eat . . . take and drink” is a repeated one. In the holy eucharist, in the word read and proclaimed, in the assembly of the people of God, the dominion of God has come near. Rejoice! Your name is […]
June 2019
Pr. Nathan’s Last Sermon
Pastor Nathan preached his last sermon at St. Philip on June 16, 2019. After 17 years of ministry, Pastor Nathan retired from St. Philip. The texts for this Holy Trinity Sunday are: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 Wisdom rejoices in the creation Romans 5:1-5 God’s love poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit John 16:12-15 […]