Living Wet: Transformed by Water Preaching Series
As baptized children of God, we live wet from the waters of baptism. Martin Luther said through our baptism, we rise to new life every day with God. God’s love, forgiveness, and grace makes us new every single day, which transforms how we live.
Stories include: Jesus’ Baptism, Peter Walking on Water, Israelites Crossing the Red Sea, Jesus Calms the Storm, The Woman at the Well, Jonah and the Big Fish, Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet. Join us in worship, or listen to the podcasts online, as we learn how to Live Wet!
January 26th – Living with Faith
Mark 11:12-14, 20-24
Exodus 14 (Crossing the Red Sea)
Mark 11:12-14, 20-24
Exodus 14 (Crossing the Red Sea)