November 2019
Overcoming Divisions
Introduction The end is near. There is no doubt about it. The warnings are dire. The tone of today’s texts is ominous. But the baptized know how to live in the “meantimes.” The baptized are strengthened for the living of these days in word and sacrament. The baptized rally around the invitation of the apostle: […]
For All the Saints
Introduction “God loves us all, both big and small,” a child’s verse declares. The sins of the world are covered. We are able to stand tall before God our righteous judge because in the person of Jesus “salvation has come to this house”—to our house today. In Christ Jesus God seeks us out to save […]
October 2019
Faith Today
Introduction Genuine repentance and pretentious piety stand in stark contrast in the gospel and all around us. All creation stands in need of God’s forgiveness. Keep the faith. God’s people—“all who have longed for his appearing”—shall be accounted righteous for Jesus’ sake. Our God is merciful to sinners. For all this the assembly glorifies God […]
The Importance of Justice
Introduction Pray always. Do not lose heart. This is the encouragement of the Christ of the gospel today. Persistence in our every encounter with the divine will be blessed. Wrestle with the word. Remember your baptism again and again. Come regularly to Christ’s table. Persistence in our every encounter with the divine will be blessed. […]
Coming to Jesus
Introduction It’s a miracle! Multiple miracles! The waters of holy baptism have healed us. The body and blood of Jesus in holy communion have made us clean. We have died with Christ and been raised with him. For all this we have returned to offer thanks. From this place we are sent on our way […]
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin
Oct. 6th “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin” Psalm 67: 1-7; Matthew 7:1-5 Most of us as Christians have things we believe, count on, and sometimes tell others. But many times we use quotes and pithy sayings that we believe are in the Bible. And sometimes we find […]
September 2019
God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle
Sept. 22 “God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle” Psalm 18: 1-6, 16-24; Phil. 4:6-7 Most of us as Christians have things we believe, count on, and sometimes tell others. But many times we use quotes and pithy sayings that we believe are in the Bible. […]
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
Most of us as Christians have things we believe, count on, and sometimes tell others. But many times we use quotes and pithy sayings that we believe are in the Bible. And sometimes we find out, they are not. It is important to examine these particular “half truths” because they can sometimes hurt others. In […]
Everything Happens for a Reason
Most of us as Christians have things we believe, count on, and sometimes tell others. But many times we use quotes and pithy sayings that we believe are in the Bible. And sometimes we find out, they are not. It is important to examine these particular “half truths” because they can sometimes hurt others. In […]
August 2019
Managing the Fear Factor
Introduction Jesus says, “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” It is God’s promise from the beginning—to Abraham, to the early church, and to the “little flock” of which we are a part today in assembly. Faith, God’s baptismal gift, trusts the promises of God. Have no fear. Readings Genesis 15:1-6 […]