Worship Services

Worship Online or In Person

Worship is the place where faith and life come together! We gather together to praise and thank God for God’s love, presence and grace. We come as we are, saints and sinners and we receive God’s forgiveness and God through Holy Communion, which we receive every week in worship.
Join us on Sunday mornings at 9am for worship or on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month at 5:00pm. You can livestream the Sunday service or watch a past service on YouTube as well. 
Join us live online at 9am by clicking the zoom link below. You can also view past worship services by watching the live service recording on YouTube.
Holy Communion will be part of this worship service. You have the opportunity to come to the communion rail for Holy Communion or receive communion at your seat. For those receiving communion at your seat, we invite you to pick up an individually packaged communion wafers and grape juice cups, which are at the entrance to the sanctuary and you can pick it up as you arrive. You will be instructed when to receive Holy Communion. We do have gluten free wafers available at the communion rail, please let the communion server know when they come to give you the bread. For those joining virtually, we invite you to receive Holy Communion as well by using bread or crackers and wine, grape juice or even water. You can use whatever you have at home, the importance is Christ’s presence, not the specific elements.


Ringing Brass (High School/Adult Handbell Choir) rehearsals are on Tuesday from 7-8pm. Help is available if you do not read music, so don’t let that keep you away! We will be adding our talents to the church services throughout the year. We have a great time making music, so join in the fun!


The Sanctuary Choir (High School through Adults) meets on Thursday evenings for rehearsal from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. This is a very welcoming group who enjoy lifting their voices in praise to the Lord and Christian fellowship with each other. Everyone is welcome!

Live Worship on Sunday at 9:00am


Join us for worship live on Sunday morning on Zoom on your computer, tablet or phone (video and/or audio).


Livestreamed Worship


Meeting ID: 813 1567 8942

Password: 051972


One Tap for Smart Phones



Dial in on your Phone

    +1 253 215 8782


Meeting ID: 813 1567 8942

Password: 051972