Worship at Home
Worship with us this weekend live or by watching the recorded service at your convenience.
We are grateful that you are taking the opportunity to worship our Lord during this time! We pray this worship service brings you closer to God as we praise God, come to God in prayer and as we learn to love and trust God in our lives.
The Sunday worship service is being live-streamed on YouTube and Zoom, where you can worship with us live. Please see the specific link below to log in. The worship service is then automatically posted on the St. Philip YouTube Channel under the “Live” tab and embedded on this web page.
If you desire to make a tithe/give an offering, you can do so on our website by clicking here or feel free to mail a check to St. Philip (7531 S Kendall Blvd, Littleton, CO 80128).
To view worship services from prior weeks, click here to go to the Worship Service Archive page.
All music is covered under St. Philip Lutheran Church licenses: [Copyrighted element(s)] [Copyright notice]. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress and ONE LICENSE A-1172010.
Live Worship on Sunday at 9:00am
Join us for worship live on Sunday morning on YouTube or Zoom: on your computer, tablet or phone (video and/or audio).
To view on YouTube, all you have to do is go to the St. Philip YouTube channel and click on the “Live” tab. You will be able to watch the service live, view upcoming services, and watch past services. The livestream begins at the start of the prelude, a couple of minutes before 9 a.m. To find our channel easier and be notified when a livestream video starts, click on the subscribe button!
You are also able to watch the service live on Zoom. To join Zoom, click the link below or manually put in the meeting ID and password.
We look forward to gathering and worshiping together in spirit.
To join via Zoom, use one of these methods:
Join on your computer, phone or tablet to join with video and audio:
Meeting ID: 813 1567 8942
Passcode: 051972
Passcode: 051972
One Tap for Smart Phones
Dial in on your Phone
+1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 813 1567 8942
Password: 051972
Worship Service on March 23, 2025
Welcome to worship! This worship service was recorded live on March 23, 2025 at 9:00am. Pastor Gail Mundt is our guest preacher at this service and leads worship while Pastor Brad is on vacation. We pray this worship service brings you closer to God as you worship and as God reveals God’s self to you.
Watch the embedded video below or click here to access the video on YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/bOYDaYXNBYU?feature=share