Worship In Person
Sunday Morning Worship
Join us for in-person worship at St. Philip! Our service is Sundays at 9:00am. We have full communion and follow a mostly traditional
Lutheran liturgical format. We are a warm, friendly congregation that welcomes all visitors. After worship, we usually have coffee fellowship in the Narthex. Stay for a treat and a chat!

Our worship service is also livestreamed on Zoom and is recorded. See our Worship at Home page for details.
Sundays at 10:15am (September-May) in our Fellowship Hall, children ages PreK-6th grade can join us for Sunday School! Our Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries, Melinda Svenkerud, teaches the children about the Bible and God’s love using music, art, puppetry, games, and more!
Saturday Evening Worship
Worship on the 2nd and 4th Saturday evenings of the month continues with worship at 5:00pm and fellowship afterwards. These services will be Holden Evening Prayer, and will take place in the Sanctuary. Join us for worship and fellowship!
Rejoicing Spirits Worship Service
Rejoicing Spirits is a “no-hush” service for intellectually and physically delayed people. In 2025, we will meet on the second Saturday of the month from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. The evening includes a meal, interactive games, and an informal worship service. Rejoicing Spirits is also a great way for parents and caregivers to connect with others who care for those with special needs.